Toddler Trot/Diaper Dash
The Diaper Dash and Toddler Trot are a must for the youngest ones. These spectacular races are designed just for all the crawlers and toddlers out there and are great opportunities to teach healthy habits from the start.
If you’re looking to encourage your kids to get a bit out of their comfort zone, the KidsK is the perfect setting. This is a welcoming, nothing-but-fun race that starts with lots of music and high energy. It’s ideal for kids who are new to running or physical activity. If your kids enter this race, run next to them if you’re able, or line up along the course and cheer them on—their excitement and energy will be contagious. In addition to having a great time, they will get an awesome t-shirt and medal they can wear to school.
Scheels Sport and Health Expo
Even if you aren’t participating in a Mankato Marathon race, the Scheels Sport and Health Expo really does have something for everyone—and it’s free! As the “home base” for all pre-Marathon activities, the Expo includes packet pick-up for runners, dozens of health and wellness vendors and activities designed for anyone who wants to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Kidz Zone
Plan to allow some extra time if you attend the Expo with the little ones, or have kids doing the KidsK, Toddler Trot or Diaper Dash! The Expo also has a Kidz Zone, an area with hands-on activities and ideas to keep your family active. Past events have included the Minnesota State University, Mankato indoor climbing wall, activities by the Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota, fruit-infused water samples from Mayo Clinic Health System and much more. The Kidz Zone is an exciting and free way to have some fun and get inspired to try something new.

About the author:
Kate Cox is the program director for Project for Teens, a peer-based, volunteer service learning program for high school students in the Greater Mankato area.