Add Mental Prep to Your Marathon Training

By: Mayo Clinic Health System

Typically, training for a marathon means preparing yourself for the physical demands of the race, and staying physically active to develop muscles that will prepare you for the grueling 26.2 miles you’ll face. Most athletes spend a tremendous amount of time getting ready for a marathon by physically preparing their bodies. However, what coaches and athletes often overlook is the mental aspect of performance. 

Most experts in the sports field recognize the importance of mental training. Roger Bannister, the first person to run a mile under four minutes, said, “It’s the brain, not the heart or lungs, that’s the critical organ.” 

Mental barriers to performance 

All athletes, no matter how strong or physically gifted they are, athletes can struggle to be successful if they have mental barriers, such as low confidence, high anxiety, or nerves or feeling too much pressure, that overtake them in the heat of competition.  

Often, mental barriers are why many athletes do well in training only to cave when it comes to a race or game. Cindra Kamphoff, Ph.D. at Minnesota State University, Mankato, found that common mental barriers of runners were self-doubt, high anxiety and feeling too much pressure. 

Overthinking occurs when runners shift their focus from process goals (What am I doing now to maximize my performance or effort?) to outcome issues (What if I don’t finish or what if I get passed?). This leads to anxiety, doubt and distraction. 

Strategies for success 

Fortunately, there are mental strategies that athletes can practice to overcome mental roadblocks and promote successful performance. They can help athletes set realistic, challenging and flexible goals. 


Mental approaches, such as relaxation techniques, positive self-talk, focus plans, visualization and choking or panicking strategies, can help athletes confront mental barriers and trust their training to maintain confidence. They encourage athletes to expect competition discomfort, embrace it as an ally and use discomfort as valuable information — Am I working hard enough? Should I adjust body position? 


Using mental strategies helps athletes focus on the process of performance rather than outcome issues, such as winning or losing to other competitors. This encourages them not to overthink. 


Goal flexibility allows people to adjust when needed and helps athletes to avoid feeling frustrated or down on themselves. Visualization helps athletes practice seeing themselves performing well during competition, preparing for any unforeseen situations and making adjustments. 


Mental strategies encourage positive thought management. Many people have an internal critic. This well-practiced thought pattern is highly critical, lowers sense of self-worth, creates fear and hinders athletes from performing their best. 


Mental training is finding keywords, images and thoughts to combat the internal critic and positively reframe negative thoughts if they develop. 


Gearing up mentally 

You can practice mental strategies as race day gets closer and throughout your race to set realistic and challenging goals, prepare for and achieve an enjoyable and quality run: 

  1. Before your event, plan out positive daydreams or things you want to think about to divert your attention. 
  2. Divide the race into segments ― mile markers, water stops or another measure — and consider it a success when you complete each one. 
  3. A week before the race, think of several reassuring thoughts or positive cue words to use during your event when you need them. Here are some examples: 
  • I can do this. 
  • This is my opportunity. 
  • Full effort is full victory. 
  • I am meant to be here. 
  • I am tough and strong. 
  • Run strong. 
  • Run tall. 
  • Race discomfort is temporary. 
  • Visualize the race in advance and how good you want to feel. Imagine being relaxed with easy strides, light feet and efficient movements. Picture that image over and over. 
  1. Imagine yourself maintaining a positive attitude if something unexpected happens. Plan on adjusting if this situation occurs, and plan on being able to adjust. Remember, there are no musts or shoulds. When things happen you can’t control — weather, competition, recurring injury or course terrain — focus on things you can influence, like changing your stride, adjusting your pace and relaxing your arms. 
  2. A day before and moments before your event, remind yourself of your dream in attempting this run. Think about the training efforts you’ve made to reach this goal.  
  3. Embrace race discomfort. Allow any discomfort — unless you’re in pain — to remind you that you’re working with effort. Trust your body. Trust your training. 
  • Use other runners and spectators for motivation and energy. They’re’ll supporting you. 

As you physically prepare for the Mankato Marathon, be sure to include these mental strategies to enhance your performance and enjoyment of the event. 

About the author:  

Anna Duggan is a physical therapistat Mayo Clinic Health System.