This is the perfect distance for all those who are just starting to dabble in running. It’s ideal because it can be a run/walk. Keep in mind, this is not “just a 5k”—this distance absolutely counts and needs to be celebrated. It may be the shortest distance of the races on Marathon weekend, but it is a worthy distance—you still need to train and pace yourself. A good meal before the race and hydrating yourself on the course is important. Take the opportunity to run/walk the course prior to race day to build the excitement and be sure to take time to celebrate your accomplishment.
If you’re looking for a fun team experience, this is your race. Grab four of your running friends and sign up for the Mankato Marathon Relay—it will not disappoint. Train together, and encourage each other. Set up a group text messaging system for daily support, and consider looking for some type of challenge with another team. I know of a friendly competition between employees at Mayo Clinic Health System Northridge Clinic and Dr. Chaun Cox. If the relay team is able to run the marathon route faster than Chaun is able to run the Mankato Marathon, Chaun will buy this team dinner. And if Chaun runs faster, the relay team will buy him dinner.
Good luck to all the runners and their supporters!

Kate Cox is the program director for Project for Teens, a peer-based, volunteer service learning program for high school students in the Greater Mankato area.